Saturday, December 01, 2007


Been busy busy busy...What else is new? Well I do have some news!!!...I got a job offer! Very close to home! It's about a 5 minute walk! The job itself is very similar to what I'm doing now - it pays slightly less, but I will reclaim at least four hours of my day! Right now I'm commuting almost 2 hours to work & 2 hours back. I do like my job & my co-workers & I'm feeling a huge amount of guilt for leaving them during their busiest time of year. I got the offer Friday night & I am planning to tell my boss & co-workers on Monday if all goes as planned! I'm so freaked out about how they are going to react. I know that I'm probably giving up certain aspects of my job that I love...but 4 hours of my life back is so worth it! Wish me luck and send your good vibes that they won't totally flip out when I give them the news! Yikes!!! I am having major anxiety about this life changing decision. I'm trying not to over think things. I know that in the long run this will be the best thing for me.

I have cut down on swaps lately but I joined a cool one where swappers come here to read my Blog. Soooo...Welcome Blog Love Swap-bot friends!!!

Among the stress of work, the job offer & the crazy Christmas season I dealt with a mini crisis last week. Lily went missing! She usually greets Stephen at the door when he's home from school but last Wednesday she was a no show. I went to look for her and she was no where to be found! We looked everywhere!!! Moved the bed, couches, tables and she wasn't anywhere. We called her and not a sound! I thought she may have escaped so Steph, Woody & I walked the neighborhood calling her name. At one point I saw what I thought was a dead animal in the road & I lost it! Stephen went ahead to investigate and luckily it was only a bag. I was so upset! When we got back in I let Woody wander around and he went right to the drawers in the laundry room. Stephen opened one of the drawers & there she was! I have no idea how she got in there! I don't remember closing any drawers! Anyway, she was safe and it was such a relief. I think it made me realize that although there will never be another Sammy, I am able to really love another kitty. Lily & I have really bonded since then. =) Woody & Lily are wonderful pets. Woody is such a mama's boy. He got he final set of shots today so I am looking forward to taking him out & hopefully he'll get over being such a scaredy pup.

I finally finished the book Sylvia recommended, The Lovely Bones. It was very emotional! I actually cried while reading it. There were a couple things I didn't like about the story, or things that I would have done different if I were the writer but all in all I liked it very much. I am waiting on pins & needles for the movie to come out! It was so thought provoking and I keep thinking about the concept of heaven. Very interesting!

I also got finished with a couple Netflix movies that friends recommended & here is what I a nutshell! LOL!

1408 : Great one man show. Almost gave me a heart attack. Scary with a blah ending.

Knocked Up: Am I the only one in America (other then Stephen) who thought this movie was lame? It was slow & it seemed like they were making up the lines as they went along. A few giggles but it wasn't fall on the floor hilarious like everyone said it was. 40 Year Old Virgin was way better!

Wolf Creek: Chilling, scary...OMG, I'm going to have nightmares. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The next few weeks are going to be insane but I will try my best to pop in & let you all know what's going on. I'm looking forward the last adventures of 2007 & the wild year of adventures in 2008. I'm excited! I can't believe this year went by so fast! I wish life would slow down a bit.

1 comment:

Mrs.Q said...

Congrats on the new job! Good luck giving the news - nerve-wracking, I know, but getting all that commuting time back will be worth it!