Friday, August 25, 2006


It's Friday! I made it through week 2 at the new job! It's a short day since I will be leaving early to attend Stephen's nephew's wedding. I found a dress yesterday. It's not the cutest dress in the world...but it makes the boobs look good! It takes the emphasis off the tummy! =)
I think I can make it work. I'm going to try and get a haircut to make my hair look a little less like Medusa. I've been really down on my looks lately...I don't feel my usual HOT self! hahaha! I need a day to beautify myself. I need professional help! It's time for an extreme makeover!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caro - if anyone has Medusa hair, it's ME with my crazy curls! Haha. I heard ya on the weight issue. I have a wedding to go to tonight also and I have to look cute too. Miss ya!