Monday, August 13, 2007

Heaven in a bottle

Mmmmmmm, this stuff is good. A new addiction to add to my many others. I struck out finding a bookstore on my lunch hour so I ended up wandering around Whole Foods. I bought Sushi for lunch & Butternut Squash Enchiladas to make for dinner. Yum! Whole Foods makes me crazy!

I'm still grieving from the loss of my Sammy. It doesn't seem to be getting any easier, but I know in time it will. I got her ashes back on Wednesday. They're in a little box in her bed until I can think of a proper place to put them. I was home sick of Friday & I was napping on the coach & I had this strange sensation she was laying on me, I opened my eyes & there she was! I'm pretty sure I was dreaming it but it felt real for a few seconds. I think I was in some sort of partial dream state where I was semi aware of my surroundings. When I snapped out of it I was really bummed out! I fell back to sleep & there she was again, but this time sharing the pillow with me! It must have been a dream but it felt so real.

In other news, Stephen & I are going to Martha's Vineyard! It's only a short trip, but we both need an adventure. We can't wait to leave "it all" behind for a few days. By the way, keep checking my Photo Album. I'm trying to post photos regularly despite having to use Stephen's paparazzi camera or my cell phone. I need a new camera! I posted some pictures of my most swaps! Enjoy! xoxo

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