Sunday, April 16, 2006


Weekends go by way too fast! I can't believe it's already Sunday! I have the Sunday blues. Another week of the daily grind ahead of me! Arghhhhh!!!

The weekend was waaaay too short but I had lots of fun. I had a nice breakfast with Stephen & my parents yesterday. Last night Steph, Greg, Jenn & I BBQed & colored Easter eggs. It was so much fun! I hadn't dyed eggs since I was a kid! Jenn and I colored most of the eggs but Stephen & Greg did contribute some egg art. Greg spent an hour on his "Cartman" egg. It came out pretty cool. He made a "Kenny" egg but right after he finished putting some finishing touches on it got dropped on the table and it cracked. Jenn said, "You killed Kenny!"...It was pretty funny, but I guess you had to be there & you'd have to watch South Park to get the joke! LOL!

Today Steph & I spent a day at the lake with his family. It was freezing cold, windy & partly cloudy but I still managed to get a killer sunburn! Steph & I took a short bike ride around the lake. I was so happy to be back on my bike! It felt so good! Steph hid a Geocache. His first hide! We ate, had an Easter egg hunt, played volleyball, horeshoes, scrabble, sang commercial jingles, ate more & had a great time! It was a long day & I'm ready for bed!

P.S. I made a bunny travel bug and I'm looking forward to sending it on it's way. It's posing with Sammy in the picture above.
Happy Easter! xoxo

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