Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Surprises in the mail

I finally checked my mailbox and there were three surprises waiting for me! An Easter card from Shea, a postcard that Billy sent while he was in Ireland and my first swap package! My package came from Canada and the swap was full of collage goodies. I especially love the embossed paper, sequins and vintage buttons. I'm excited to create something using all of the cool pieces of inspiration.

Tonight Stephen and I are supposed to start SPINNING again. I'm dreading going back to the gym after being gone for a few weeks. It's going to be hell...but worth it...I'll be able to fit into the tiny shirt I bought from NORDSTROM on my lunch hour. I bought a teeny, tiny, micro size for motivation! We're doing this prgram called Active for Life at work. We're on teams and we're supposed to log our excercise points in a log on a weekly basis. I've been so bad about it and I'm probably pissing off my team. I vow to start getting back into my routine! No excuses! I really want to get back in shape so I Stephen & I can do some killer rides like we used to. I want to go back & conquer Turnbull Canyon. I made a fool out of myself the first and only time I rode there. I got better and was able to make it to Top of the World in Laguna, but I havn't had enough nerve to go back & ride to the top of Turnbull...Hiking up the evil hill is hard enough! I am determined to go back & ride there soon. Check out the picture above of the view from Turnbull on one of our hikes. You can see the temple in the distance and rain clouds rolling in. This was in March the day I hid my first Geocache.

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