Thursday, July 06, 2006

Heaven & Hell

After six wonderful days off I'm back to my cubicle hell. I was at work for 20 minutes before I got blamed for something completely out of my control. People are stressed & playing the "blame game". I heard that a few were annoyed because I took 3 days vacation (which I earned). Then I found out via Post-It that my desk was being moved. No explanation just a Post-It saying that I needed to move my stuff ASAP to the cubicle they orginally moved me from 6 months ago! It's a punishment of some sort I suppose. I don't even know what I did. I'm so stressed and feeling like the shy 2nd grader I once was in mean ol' Mrs. Kitashima's class. She thought she was helping us by being mean. A second grader should not feel that much anxiety & fear. I feel picked on like that again only I should be old enough to handle it. I should be. I feel like a child because this place is run by childish people. Being told to move desks via Post-It! That is hilarious!

Despite work hell...Home is heaven. I love the new house. It's the next best thing to owning our own place. I did some was wonderful. I forgot how good the smell of wet dirt is! I love it! I love all the birds and the crickets at night. Our apartment was so stale and silent. We need a couple pictures for the walls & maybe a bookcase for my "art room" but other then that we're set. Stephen is starting his mini reef tank. I'm looking forward to helping him pick out fish! Pretty ones! I'll post pictures soon. I took some great pictures on the 4th of July. Stephen & I had a romantic BBQ just the two of us. After dinner we hiked up to Turnbull to watch the fireworks. We could see fireworks as far as Catalina. It was so awesome. It was my best 4th of July ever...just me & my sweetie on top of the world. I'll post pictures when I get home...although I just feel like going home & hiding under my covers.

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