Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm A Poet (Didn't Know It)

While looking for one of my old resumes I came across a disc of old poetry from a creative writing class I took at Saddleback College...The instructor wasn't a big fan of my short stories and screenplay but he loved the poetry...I'll try to post one poem from my old school collection here weekly and maybe I'll attempt to write something new - that would be interesting!!!...When I read some of what I wrote back then it makes me sad, a little nostalgic and very proud of who I am today...The poems pretty much sum up my early 20's & make me relieved to have survived them with most of my sanity still intact. The following is a poem I wrote about a day I will never forget. The assignment was to write a poem about a journey. It's what inspired the title of this blog.

Le Chemin de Vie (The Road of Life)
For Crystal

When you’re old and wrinkled
When life’s mysteries have passed you by
Will you remember that windy afternoon in Cannes
When we hastily packed our bags and left

I, the navigator
You, behind the wheel
Both too young and too naïve.
The smell of lavender creeping through
Open windows

Feeling a little like best friends
Feeling a lot like strangers
We sat side by side and
Spoke of our lives, loves and
Destinations to come

Another bug smacking the windshield as
We continued on towards Paris.

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