Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Night Owl

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics at 1AM!
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics at 1AM!

I can't sleep! It's 1am & I am wide awake...I've been trying to pass the time by surfing MySpace, pimping my page and leaving funny pics on friends pages...I found a cool site with a bunch of funny little sayings and pictures hence the cool little "blog bling" above. I'm definitely 13 going on 30! In less then 3 months it will be 30 going on 13! Boo Hoo! Maybe I'm not all the thrilled about the BIG 3-0 after all...Mixed emotions I guess. I have a lot on my mind tonight...Birthdays, job interviews, diets, money & major decisions to be made in the next few months. Not to mention I'm wired on adrenaline, diet coke and still going full speed from Day 2 at the gym. Yes, Day 2!!! Congratulations are in order! Anyway, nights are the pits! It's lonely when you're up alone at this time of night...The life of a worrying insomniac. I remember my dad not sleeping well and staying up late watching old movies on TV. I would wake up and watch them with him until we both got sleepy. He called me a night owl...If only this night owl can finally get a little sleep before the Early Bird rises and wants Fancy Feast!

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