Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Fishy Kisses

Today I had the joy of being treated to "breakfast in a bag" by my apartment complex. There were balloons all over the complex and as I was pulling out of the driveway one of our maintenance guys handed me a bag full of breakfast items & a letter stating that they are "committed to excellence." It was a nice surprise even though our apartment complex sucks! The only thing I like is the kitchen window & our little plant ledge which I've taken for granted all these months! Our lease is up in a little over a month & we'll probably be moving. I'm dreading moving but we're paying an enormous rent for a small space. Moving is a pain in the ass! I really want to move to Whittier (I love Whittier and not to mention that's where all the comadres are=)!) but the commute would make me CrAZy! It's bad enough already!

I woke up at 4:30 AM this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally started to doze off right before the alarm went off! Insomnia sucks! I'm so exhausted but alot less sore then I thought I'd be after my first day back to the gym. I was hoping to actually get back on my bike & ride in the dirt tomorrow but rain is in the forecast AGAIN! I'm so sick of the rain! I crave the sun!

Above are pictures of a Grumpy Chiclid & a Sweet Pink Kissing Gourami. Who is cuter???

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