Sunday, April 23, 2006

Hamsters & Chilis

The poster I want!
My new flowers...A calalily, snapdragons & marigolds.

The Hot Chilis that Jenn ate for $30 bucks

I can't believe the weekend is already over! Atleast I have a short week ahead since I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to veg out.

On Friday, Stephen and I had dinner and saw a show at the Improv. It was really funny. We had a good time despite the drunk asshole sitting at the next table. We want to go back and use the gift certificates that Jenn and Greg got us for Christmas.

Saturday my parents came by and we had lunch at Knolwood. I was thinking it was a sit-down cafe but it ened up being a hamburger joint. It was pretty good anyway. After lunch, Stephen, Greg, and I went to the Pet Expo at the fairgrounds. Stephen is in the market for an aquarium but the pickins' were slim. We thought they would have more of a selection. It really wasn't that great except for the Dippin' Dots stand! There we some pets for adoption, reptile, bird & fish exhibits, pet supplies and the best part...the cat show! It was fun looking at all the cats, especially the Tonks. They didn't have any natural minks which kind of sucked because they are my favorite! I felt sorry for all those poor cat show kitties! Cats shouldn't be put through all that stress! Some of those cat people are wierdos! I love cats but those cat fanciers take cat shows a little too seriously...Anyway, Stephen is still looking for an aqarium. I'm trying to convince him to get Kissing Gouramis but he thinks they're lame. He likes those frowning, grumpy, mean, killer Chiclids! I already spotted the cool craftsman style aquarium stand to match with our furniture! I'm excited!...Jenn and Greg became pet parents today. They bought a sweet little hamster they named Buttercup A.K.A Butters. They got a really cool cage and I helped Jenn assemble it. I forgot how cute Hamsters are! I had a one growing up but it dissapeared under mysterious circumstances! I think my dog Scrappy ate it!

The four of us went to El Torito for lunch and Stephen told Jenn he'd pay her 30 bucks if she ate a stack of HOT green chilis. He loves those kind of dares! She did it and he had to pay up! haha! We stopped by Target after lunch so Greg could buy some boxes. I ended up spending money on things I don't need! Target is evil! I bought a hose, flowers, begonia bulbs, slipper socks, some items & envelopes for my swaps and a garden gnome rain gauge from the dollar section. I don't really need a rain gauge... I just like garden gnomes. I stuck it in one of my pots as decoration and it looks adorable! Stephen cleaned up our patio and I planted bulbs in pots and tried to revive some poor plants I've neglected since October! I've been such a bad plant mom! I promise I'll be better...especially now that the weather is supposed to get nice.

We didn't bike or hike so I didn't get a chance to drop off the travel bugs. Hopefully next weekend. I also want to go back to the swap meet at the fairgrounds to buy the cool poster of a vintage french bike ad. I love it because it's a bike with wings and this naked celestial women hanging on the bike. I love it and I can't wait to go back & get it!

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