Sunday, April 30, 2006

Unlucky Strike

It's Sunday & my four day weekend has just about come to an end! It's back to work tomorrow & I'm dreading it!!! I only just got over a really bad chest cold & now I've been hit with a miserable head cold! Not again!!! I'm feeling pretty awful and as I type this up I'm waiting for the Benadryl to kick in. I feel even worse because I left my new purse (with wallet, cell phone & work key inside) at the movies last night & no one turned it in! I'm really mad at myself for being so stupid but even more mad at the person who took it & didn't turn it in. After Stephen was done making me feel really bad for leaving it behind he took pity on me & bought me a new purse & wallet. He's so loveable! ;-) Thank you my love! I think (I hope) I've learned my lesson! Now comes the fun part! I have to go through the hassle of getting a new cell phone, atm, licence, etc.!!! Ugh!!!

Woke up early in the hopes of taking a hike with Stephen, Jenn & Greg at Chantry Flats. Unfortunately, once we got there we found that although the trails at the top were reopened, the road to the top was closed. We were all pretty bummed especially after waking up so early on a Sunday. We ened up at the bowling alley. Not your usual Sunday morning but fun nonetheless!I'm really a terrible bowler but I enjoyed it. I took the stress of losing my purse out of the ball. I didn't get a strike but I managed to come close. Greg was the winner with Stephen a close second. I screwed up my new manicure but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Being girlie is hard work! We grabbed some pizza for lunch and did our usual weekend Target run. We went along with Greg & Jenn to pick out a friend for Buttercup the Hamster. The little hamsters didn't take to eachother right away but hopefully they'll be friends by morning...otherwise we might have to adopt her. ;-)

Greg got his gym pass last week & Jenn is going to get hers tomorrow. Now we have workout buddies! I hope this keeps us all a little more motivated. We're going to introduce Greg to his first SPIN class tomorrow. Hopefully he can hang with us pros! haha! =) Hopefully I can hang & make it through the class with this darn cold! Anyway, I think the Benadryl has kicked in. I'm a little sleepy & I'm ready for hit the sack! Goodnight!

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