Thursday, May 18, 2006

Good News

My Sammy's kidneys are functioning well for her age! I'm so glad that I took her to the vet because they found out that she has a bad bladder infection & her thyroid medication needs to be adjusted. My poor baby has been suffering with this infection for who knows how long and I had no idea. I'm glad I took her in.

I drove by the house yesterday. It's old but very cute! I would be so happy if Stephen likes it & we actually got it! I hope he gets out of work soon enough to meet me there tonight to tour the inside. I drove by a few other nearby houses that are for rent. They are smaller, uglier & way more expensive. This place is ideal but the owner says that there are many people applying for it so I am kind of doubtful it will work out. =( I hope I hope I hope....

1 comment:

BuzzKill said...

Good news about the cat!

Hope you guys get the place you're looking at!