Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lucky Penny

I had the worst dreams last night. Violent, horrible dreams! It's hard to believe that my mind is demented enough to come up with dreams like that. It scared me so bad. I woke up in a cold sweat & was tempted to wake Stephen for comfort until I heard him snoring quite peacefully. Despite the horrible night I woke up in a good mood. Sammy didn't spit up her meds & I was running early enough to stop at Starbucks for a Green Tea Latte. I think I'm sick of them now. On my way out of Starbucks I picked up a good luck "heads up" penny. I thought of the little saying...

Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck!

My luck seemed to be going well. My latte didn't spill all over me & my car (like it normally does), my Incubus CD didn't skip (like it normally does), the weather was nice & the traffic was abnormally light. I came into work in a good mood & I prepared myself for more good luck to be showered upon me. So far, nothing. Today feels the same as yesterday...only I'm running on less sleep and I'm a little more stressed. I still have 8 hours left for good luck to be bestowed upon me so bring it on lil' lucky penny!

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